Acacia Supreme End Grain Board From Lipper International Inc.

Acacia Supreme End Grain Board From Lipper International Inc.

Cutting boards are an exciting item to sell: they come both as interior adornments and functional kitchen equipment. Cutting boards fit any interior, but people must change them every year (different media suggest doing it). Cutting boards are not the essential items, but their sales tend to grow

It seems it is high time for the supply to increase. Hopefully, there is a reliable producer called Lipper International Inc. With a brand new product, an Extra Large Acacia Board. It covers the main demands of cutting boards. At the same time, the growing market secures stable incomes. In this post, you will learn about:

  1. Buyers’ demand conditions;
  2. Preferences and recommendations concerning cutting board materials;
  3. The advantages of acacia as wood for cutting boards;
  4. Why choose Lipper International Inc.;
  5. The features of Supreme End Grain Board.

Home Cooking Gets More Popular

Though the pandemic has caused significant damage to all retail spheres, including kitchen equipment, it has given new hope. From time to time, reports about America’s cooking preferences changing appear. Indeed, the field of home cooking has become more popular among all social classes in the USA. For a long time, with the accessibility of restaurants and increased demand for catering and delivery, it has become the only way to get meals.

What is more, these new cooking preferences are not likely to change in the short term. New habits make people care about their kitchens, as they start spending more time there. More people get interested in kitchen equipment and cooking appliances. It means that the corresponding markets will feel slight but confident growth. 

Wood Is The Best Material For Cutting Boards

Media actively promotes wood as the best material for cutting boards for several reasons:

  • Increased longevity and minimal risks for different kinds of damage compared to plastic or glass boards;
  • The aesthetic properties of wood cutting boards are better than plastic ones show;
  • Health reasons play an essential role in the issue;
  • Wooden cutting boards are more eco-friendly than plastic or glass boards, which is advantageous against the background of increased ecology concerns.

As a result of such a mass media emphasis, wooden cutting boards trend to increase their share in buyer’s preferences. 

Why Acacia Is The Best Wood For Cutting Boards?

Specialized media try to consider the issue of proper cutting board material. Among the various wood kinds, acacia stays among the most preferable. It is considered to be hardwood. At the same time, it manages to be of medium affordability, making cutting boards cheap enough for high margins. All the properties increase its population and make niche media pay attention to acacia as a good buyer’s choice. 

Why Lipper International?

The company specializes in crafted wooden kitchen equipment and accessories. Though it is not as big as famous international brands, the company manages to show medium revenues (with a minimal number of employees) and growing stats on the market. 

A narrow specialization lets a company get into different ratings provided by specialized media, which increases brand awareness. 


Features of Lipper International Acacia Supreme End Grain Board

The current board is a professional cutting board designed for the simultaneous cutting and storing of many products. It perfectly fits the demands of a standard family of three people. With the increased interest in outdoor meals, such a giant board finds even more fields of application. The other features interesting for a customer include:

  • Convenient size and weight that does not let the board squeeze on a surface;
  • Interesting and unique design, as each board is assembled from the different wood pieces.
  • The wood has been gathered from renovated forests, so its production does not damage the ecology.
  • The acacia wood is known for its knife-sparing properties.
  • The board is thick enough to stand different ways to cut food.
  • The board is equipped with side handles and a liquid groove that prevent frequent cleaning and make the use more convenient.
  • The aesthetic properties of the board let use it as a tray or a table appointment element.
  • The price for a board ($50-$65) makes it an attractive alternative for professional wooden boards of the same size. 

To conclude, Acacia Supreme End Grain Board from Lipper International has all the properties of a professional cutting board and dining equipment and manages to stay in the middle-budget category. It makes it an excellent choice for both retailers and potential buyers.

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  • Yevhen Smyrnov
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